Alexander J. Kilpatrick was born March 25, 1839, in Hancock County, Ohio. On December 30, 1864, he enlisted as a Union soldier in the Civil War and served in the 39th Infantry until July 9, 1865. In 1870 he joined the United Brethren Church and later became a licensed preacher. In 1878 he attended a holiness meeting in Payne, Ohio, where he experienced sanctification as a definite second work of grace. After this, he left the United Brethren Church and became an fervent holiness evangelist. In 1879 he met D. S. Warner. Their spirits blended together in perfect harmony from their very first meeting and Kilpatrick and Warner became workers together in God’s vineyard from that point on. A. J. Kilpatrick served on the Gospel Trumpet Company board of trustees and traveled throughout many states proclaiming the gospel of full salvation and unity in Christ through the sanctifying and unifying work of the Holy Spirit. He departed this life at Payne, Ohio, where he had made his lifelong home, on June 17, 1919, at the age of 80. He was buried in the Mausoleum in Payne Cemetery, but his body was later moved by his nephew to be reburied in a cemetery near the Church of God campground, Payne, Ohio.
I have found no record that A. J. Kilpatrick ever married. He was the author of the words to song #17 in the Evening Light Songs hymnal, “The Church of God.”