Thomas A. Nelson was born November 11, 1872, in Denmark. He immigrated to the United States at age 19 years and 6 months, arriving in New York City, New York on May 30, 1892. It is uncertain just how soon he became affiliated with the Evening Light Reformation movement, but on January 16, 1898, he was married to Keo Akers of Iowa, S. L. Speck being the officiating minister. Thomas Nelson became very active in gospel work, laboring in many locations throughout the United States. In St. Paul Park, Minnesota, he founded a Danish gospel publishing work, Der Evangeliske Basun Publishing Company, the Scandinavian parallel to the Gospel Trumpet Company. He was author of “Home, Health and Success,” published by the Gospel Trumpet Company, Anderson, Indiana, 1908, and edited a hymnal published in 1906 by the above-mentioned Scandinavian parallel company.
Thomas Nelson wrote the words to Evening Light Songs #33, “From Babel to Zion,” and #257, “Onward Upward.” Also, in Songs of the Evening Light, 1897, he wrote the words to #108, “Are You of the Few?” In Salvation Echoes, 1900, he wrote the words to #14, “Resting in Jesus,” and #148, “He Loved Me So.” In Truth in Song, 1907, he wrote the words to #11, “The Fight of Faith,” and #93, “All to Jesus.”
Thomas Nelson departed this life October 15, 1946 in Palo Alto, California, at the age of 73. He is buried in Alta Mesa Memorial Park, Palo Alto, California, beside his wife, Keo (Akers) Nelson, who preceded him in death January 14, 1940, at age 64.