Barney Elliott Warren was born in Lewiston, NY, on February 20, 1867, and died in Springfield, OH, on April 21, 1951, at the age of 84 years. He is buried in the Vale Cemetery in Springfield, a short distance from his home. He was converted in 1884, during a revival meeting at Grand Junction near Bangor, Michigan. Two years later, he joined D. S. Warner‘s singing evangelistic company as a bass singer and soon entered a lifelong career of songwriting. From 1888 to 1940, he worked on song books and hymnals for the Gospel Trumpet Company. He has been credited with writing either the words or the music or both for more than 2000 hymns and spiritual songs. He and D. S. Warner together published two songbooks: Anthems From the Throne, 1888, and Echoes From Glory, 1893.

In late summer, 1890, Barney Warren was united in marriage to Nannie Kigar, who was also a member of D. S. Warner‘s company of singers. The wedding ceremony took place at a camp meeting near Beaver Dam, Indiana, with D. S. Warner officiating.

This photo of B. E. Warren and family was taken around the year 1910. His daughter, Nellie (middle – standing), also wrote at least one song. It is titled “A Help In Time of Need,” and appears as song #115 in the songbook, His Praise Anew, published by the Gospel Trumpet Company in 1936.

This is the former home of Barney and Nannie Warren in Springfield, Ohio. I understand that it was in this same house where Barney Warren and D. S. Warner composed and compiled the songbook, Echoes From Glory, published by the Gospel Trumpet Company in 1893.